Burton Eco little cigars consist of the popular

Burton Eco little cigars are an unmistakable smoking pleasure.
Whether after a meal or just for relaxation, these Burton Eco little cigars are suitable for many occasions.
If you order the Burton Eco little cigars natural wrapper until 12 a.m. on weekdays or until 11 a.m. on Saturdays, we will deliver the goods to our shipping service on the same day. So the order will be with you as soon as possible. The normal delivery times apply to mixed orders, which also include non-flash items.

The high-quality filter Burton Eco little cigars in L packaging consist of the popular and widespread American blend tobacco blend, which is made by Virginia, Burley and Oriental tobacco. They are encased in a high-quality natural cover sheet made from 100% tobacco, which leads to a strong and full-bodied smoking pleasure. The adjusted amount of tobacco and the special filter create an optimal draft resistance, which leads to a mild and harmonious smoking pleasure. In addition, the filtered Burton Eco little cigars are known for their distinctive tobacco aroma, their originality and their attractive price. The filtered Burton Eco little cigars in L packaging are ideal for frugal smokers looking for a flavorful and strong taste.

They are manufactured by Joh. Wilh. von Eicken GmbH, which ranks among the top group of independent cigarette exporters in the international markets. Are available in our online shop.
You can also find flavored Burton Eco little cigars in our online shop. Flavored means that the cigarillos have a certain taste, such as cherry, vanilla, cafe and much more. Flavored cigarillos include famous cigarillos like the Burton Eco little cigars. The Burton Eco little cigars are available in different flavors.
Could we convince you of the features of Burton Eco little cigars? Then order your favorite cigarillos from your luxury tobacco specialist right now.