A uniue feature of the GTO little Cigars

GTO Little Cigars are made from the most effective tobacco blends. GTO Little Cigars are manufactured in Tabacalera GTO Dominicana on the Caribbean state island.

The GTO Little Cigar ring, often called the tummy band or banderole, is the hallmark of every cigar. Often colorfully and lovingly designed, it provides information about the brand and series of a cigar.

The GTO Little Cigar is a unique selling point – a way to differentiate yourself and your cigar from others and at the same time a way of increasing branding and recognition. A sophisticated design can give the cigar lover a certain feeling and create an image. So it makes a big difference whether the cigar ring is motley and suggests zest for life with versatile flavors or is very simple and would rather convey a noble picture. Dark bandages often stand for a strong taste.

But as beautiful as the banderole is, should you leave it on while smoking of GTO Little Cigar or not? Originally intended as a protection for the fingers, new cigars might think that the lower third would be left on the cigar when smoking, but this is not true. For a long time it was more common to remove them. Nowadays, the focus is on protecting the valuable cover page. Removing a cigar’s sleeve can damage the cover. It’s an absolute faux pas that should definitely be avoided. So many prefer to leave the lower third on before risking damage.

But if you would like to remove it, you should light the desired cigar first and wait a few minutes. The heat that flows through the cigar softens the glue of the anilla and enables a relatively safe removal without risking damage. Today, aficionados are no longer afraid of the fingers being soiled by the cover sheet or the ashes.

As a rule, the ash of a good cigar is very stable, so that it remains on the cigar for a long time during the smoking process. Otherwise there are now special ashtrays for GTO Little Cigar, into which they can fall. The cigar itself can also be placed there and glow in peace after smoking.