Olifant Knakje little cigars have a short length

People who buy cigars online from specialty stores or professional dealers are not just buying tobacco products. All cigars are either delivered to the counter or ordered online. When smoking a little cigar, you always want something unusual and at the same time affordable. And this is quite normal for everyone, whether you are a beginner or an experienced smoker. It’s not that you’ve already smoked enough cigars; it’s that you want to try everything the tobacco market has to offer.

Olifant Knakje little cigars have a wonderful spicy and aromatic flavor. De Oliphant, a company steeped in tradition, has been producing high quality cigars in the Netherlands since 1832. De Oliphant has been able to apply their years of knowledge in tobacco processing and composition to the Knakje.

Olifant Knakje little cigars have a short length of 83 mm, but stands out in the company’s range primarily for its torpedo-shaped shape. This medium-strength dry hollandaise, which can be smoked for 20 minutes, comes in a noble cedar box of 10 and can serve as a pleasant respite. As for the taste, it is convinced by a delightful spiciness and a subtle peppery aroma that persists throughout the smoking experience. The creamy smoke of this cigar, known among connoisseurs as “tota”, is also beautiful.

The filler of Olifant Knakje little cigars, which tapers towards the head, is made from Javanese, Brazilian, Caribbean and Sumatran tobaccos. This blend is also used in other formats of the company, particularly in the Sumatra series, where the same natural ingredients are used. Therefore, the cigars are very suitable for comparative tastings to determine the degree of influence of different treatments on the flavor.

Olifant Knakje little cigars stand out somewhat from the company’s Sumatra lineup and is a must try. It is an excellent medium strength smoke with a rich spicy flavor. The tradition has been there for many years – this is the hallmark of the best tobacco company. Since time immemorial, the family has been synonymous with passion for the highest quality and products.

This is the opinion of all the experts who praise the quality of all Little Cigar brands. Their opinion allows us to recommend them to our customers.