As someone who enjoys a good smoke, I have come across many different types of cigars in my lifetime. From the big, bold and classic cigars to the smaller, more flavorful cigarillos, I thought I had tried it all. That was until I came across little cigars.
At first, I was a bit skeptical about these miniature versions of cigars, but once I tried one, I was hooked. Little cigars are a unique and surprisingly underrated option in the world of tobacco products. In this article, I will dive into the world of little cigars, their history, flavors, and why they are worth giving a try.
History of Little Cigars
The origins of little cigars can be traced back to the early 19th century, where they were known as “cheroots” or “short smokes.” These compact cigars were first produced in the United States, where they quickly gained popularity due to their affordability and convenience.
During World War II, cigarettes became the preferred tobacco product due to their smaller size and ease of use for soldiers. This caused a decline in the popularity of little cigars. However, they made a comeback in the 1950s with the rise of flavored cigars that appealed to a younger demographic.
Over the years, little cigars have gone through various developments and innovations, making them a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts. Today, they are available in a variety of flavors, sizes, and styles, making them a unique option for those looking for a different smoking experience.
Flavors of Little Cigars
One of the most appealing aspects of little cigars is their wide range of flavors. Unlike traditional cigars, which are typically only available in natural or maduro flavors, little cigars come in a variety of flavors that can cater to every taste palate.
From fruity flavors like strawberry and cherry to more traditional flavors like vanilla and chocolate, there is a little cigar for everyone. These flavors are not only enjoyable but also help mask the harshness of tobacco, making them a popular option for those who are new to cigar smoking.
Aside from the fruity and traditional options, there are also little cigars in unique flavors like coffee, rum, and even whiskey. These flavors add a new level of depth and complexity to the smoking experience, making each little cigar a journey of flavors.
Types of Little Cigars
Little cigars are available in two types: machine-made and hand-rolled. Machine-made cigars, as the name suggests, are made by machines, while hand-rolled cigars are carefully crafted by experienced rollers.
Machine-made little cigars are smaller in size and offer a milder smoking experience compared to their hand-rolled counterparts. They are also more affordable and easier to find, making them a popular choice for everyday smoking.
On the other hand, hand-rolled little cigars are made with more care and attention to detail, resulting in a higher quality smoking experience. They are typically larger in size, have a more complex flavor profile, and are considered a luxury among little cigar enthusiasts.
Both machine-made and hand-rolled little cigars have their own unique qualities and appeal, making it a matter of personal preference when deciding between the two.
Why Little Cigars are Worth Trying
Now that we have explored the history, flavors, and types of little cigars, it’s time to discuss why they are worth trying. Here are some reasons why little cigars are a great addition to any cigar aficionado’s collection.
Convenience and Affordability
One of the main reasons why little cigars are worth trying is their convenience and affordability. Their compact size makes them easy to carry around and smoke on the go. They are also more affordable than traditional cigars, making them a budget-friendly option for those who enjoy smoking cigars regularly.
Unique Flavors and Options
As mentioned earlier, little cigars come in a variety of flavors, sizes, and styles, making them a unique option for smokers. With so many flavors to choose from, you can mix it up and try something new each time you smoke a little cigar.
Milder Smoking Experience
For those who are new to cigar smoking, little cigars offer a milder smoking experience compared to traditional cigars. The flavors also help mask the harshness of tobacco, making the smoking experience more enjoyable for beginners.
Luxurious Experience
Hand-rolled little cigars offer a luxurious and high-quality smoking experience. They are more complex in flavor and provide a smoother smoking experience, making them a great choice for special occasions or treating yourself to something extra special.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, little cigars are a unique and underrated option in the world of cigars. Whether you are looking for a budget-friendly smoke on the go or a special treat for your taste buds, little cigars have something to offer for every smoker.
With their wide range of flavors, types, and affordability, they are definitely worth trying out. So next time you are looking for a new smoking experience, give little cigars a chance and see for yourself just how enjoyable they can be.