As someone who enjoys smoking, I have always been drawn to the world of cigars. From the robust and prestigious hand-rolled cigars to the more affordable and convenient option of little cigars. While many may dismiss little cigars as just a cheaper alternative to regular-sized cigars, I have come to appreciate and even prefer these smaller versions. In this article, I will tell you all about little cigars, from their history and production to their flavors and overall appeal.
Firstly, let’s clarify what exactly a little cigar is. Little cigars are essentially a smaller version of traditional cigars, typically about the same length as a regular cigarette but with the same shape and packaging as a cigar. They are made with a blend of tobacco that is similar to that of regular cigars but in smaller quantities, resulting in a milder taste. Little cigars are often machine-rolled and can be filtered or unfiltered, giving smokers the option to choose their preferred style.
The history of little cigars can be traced back to the late 1800s when they were first introduced as a more affordable alternative to regular cigars. At the time, cigars were seen as a luxury item, and many hard-working individuals could not afford to indulge in them. This led to the creation of little cigars, which were made with shorter filler tobacco and were cheaper to produce. They quickly gained popularity among the working class and became a staple tobacco product in many households.
Fast forward to the present day, little cigars are still a popular choice for many smokers. They are widely available in various flavors, including menthol, cherry, vanilla, and even whiskey-infused. These flavors add a touch of sweetness and make them more enjoyable to smoke, especially for those who may not enjoy the harshness of traditional tobacco taste. They also come in different packaging sizes, making them a convenient option for on-the-go smoking.
One of the main appeals of little cigars is their affordability. While traditional cigars can cost anywhere from $10 to $50 per stick, little cigars usually come in packs of 10 or 20 and range from $5 to $10. This makes them a budget-friendly alternative for those who want to enjoy the experience of smoking a cigar without breaking the bank. Additionally, little cigars are taxed at a lower rate than regular cigars, making them even more economical.
Furthermore, little cigars are also more accessible and socially acceptable than traditional cigars. Due to their smaller size, they produce less smoke and have a milder scent, making them less intrusive and more socially acceptable to smoke in public places. This also makes them a more discreet option for those who want to smoke without drawing too much attention.
Now that we have covered the history and appeal of little cigars, let’s talk about their production. Little cigars are made using a similar process as traditional cigars, but with a few key differences. The tobacco used in little cigars is typically short or chopped, instead of long filler tobacco used in regular cigars. This means that the tobacco is cut into small pieces and is not wrapped as tightly, resulting in a milder taste.
The filling is then wrapped in a tobacco leaf or binder, similar to traditional cigars, and then enclosed in a tobacco wrapper. Some manufacturers also use homogenized tobacco leaves for the outer layer, which gives little cigars their distinctive smooth and fine texture. The final step is the addition of flavors, either through infusion during the production process or by using flavored tips.
When it comes to smoking little cigars, there are a few things to keep in mind to enhance your experience. Firstly, it’s essential to choose a high-quality cigar brand, as like with any tobacco product, the quality of the tobacco greatly affects the taste and smoking experience. Some popular brands for little cigars include Swisher Sweets, Black and Mild, and Al Capone. It’s also important to store them properly in a humidor or airtight container to maintain their freshness and prevent them from drying out.
Additionally, it’s crucial to know that just like cigarettes, little cigars are addictive and can have adverse health effects, especially when smoked frequently. While they may be a more affordable and convenient option, it’s essential to smoke them in moderation and with caution.
In conclusion, little cigars may be small in size, but they have a significant presence in the world of cigars. With their affordability, accessibility, and diverse flavors, they are a popular choice among smokers. Whether you prefer them as a daily smoke or a special treat, little cigars offer a unique smoking experience that is worth exploring. So go ahead, grab a pack, and discover the world of little cigars for yourself. Just remember to smoke responsibly and enjoy in moderation.