Long-age and Classico Toscano little cigars

Toscano little cigars are the symbol of the Italian tobacco industry, a unique aged fermented cigar filled with Kentucky tobacco. Toscano little cigars are produced with natural aromatization of coffee, alcoholic drink “grappa” and chocolate, as well as non-flavored.

As in the production of wine, great attention is paid to the original raw materials for the production of Toscano little cigars – in this case the varieties of tobacco.

For Toscano little cigars, the “Kentucky” tobacco is mainly utilized that is grown in the Italian provinces of Benevento (45% of national production), Tuscany, Veneto, Umbria and Lazio.

It was one of the first tobaccos to be imported into Italy in the early 19th century from the United States for the production of Toscano little cigars.

It has been cultivated here since the 1850s, acquiring completely new and unexpected characteristics. Sometimes Kentucky from South America and the Far East is also added for the filler. Traditionally, all tobacco is dried over a fire with smoke, which gives the taste a “smoky”, “smoked” character, oak and beech firewood is used.

After fire drying and fermentation, the tobacco is additionally aged at controlled humidity and temperature from 4 to 12 months. All this gives the consumer a strong, memorable taste and strong character.

Classico Toscano little cigars are the brainchild of a young Italian cigar company that has built an excellent reputation in over ten years. These relatively small cigars are smoked for a long time – about an hour, so they are perfect for leisurely work or evening relaxation.

The cover and binder sheets are grown in Italy, and the smoky Kentucky cooked according to the traditional Italian recipe is used for the filling. The taste of the cigar is soft and smooth, but at the same time it is replete with bright notes. It has an aromatic woody sound, the smell of sun-dried prunes and fried spices. Towards the end, shades of pine nuts and a slight earthiness appear.