As a cigar enthusiast, I have always been intrigued by the world of little cigars. These small but mighty smokes have a rich history and a loyal following, yet they often get overshadowed by their larger counterparts. In this article, I will delve into what makes little cigars so special and why they deserve a spot in every cigar aficionado’s collection.
First and foremost, let’s define what a little cigar actually is. In the simplest terms, it is a cigar that is shorter and thinner than a traditional cigar. While there is no definitive size requirement, most little cigars are typically between 3 and 4 inches long with a ring gauge of 20 or less. This smaller size makes them more accessible and approachable for those who may not be quite ready for a full-sized cigar.
One of the main reasons why little cigars are gaining popularity is their affordability. A traditional cigar can cost anywhere from $5 to $30, whereas a little cigar generally falls within the $1 to $5 range. This lower price point allows cigar smokers to indulge more frequently without breaking the bank. Additionally, many little cigars are sold in packs or bundles, making them even more budget-friendly.
But don’t let the lower price fool you, little cigars still pack a punch when it comes to flavor. They are made with the same premium tobacco as their larger counterparts, but their smaller size allows for a more concentrated and intense smoking experience. This makes them perfect for a quick smoke break or when you don’t have the time for a longer cigar session.
Another benefit of little cigars is their convenience. Their small size makes them easy to transport and smoke on the go. Whether you’re out for a walk, at a party, or just enjoying some time outside, you can easily slip a few little cigars into your pocket for a quick and satisfying smoke. And unlike traditional cigars, you don’t need to carry a cutter or lighter, making them ideal for those who want a hassle-free smoking experience.
One might assume that because of their size, little cigars are solely for beginners or those who prefer milder cigars. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Many little cigars, especially those from top brands like Cohiba and Montecristo, are made with the same quality and complexity as their larger counterparts. They offer a wide range of flavors and strengths, making them suitable for both novice and seasoned cigar smokers.
One of the most significant advantages of little cigars is their versatility. While they can be enjoyed on their own, they can also be used as a component in cocktail pairings. Their smaller size and concentrated flavor make them an excellent accompaniment to a wide range of drinks, from coffee to rum to even beer. Their affordability also makes them a budget-friendly option for hosting a cigar and cocktail pairing event with friends.
Despite all these advantages, little cigars still often face criticism and misconceptions. Many believe that because of their smaller size, they are inferior to traditional cigars. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Little cigars have their unique characteristics and offer a different smoking experience that shouldn’t be compared to traditional cigars. They are not better or worse; they are just different.
Another misconception is that little cigars are not made with premium tobacco and are just a way for companies to use cheaper, lower quality tobacco. This is simply not true. Many top cigar brands such as Romeo y Julieta and Davidoff have a line of little cigars that are made with the same care and attention to detail as their larger counterparts. Furthermore, many little cigar manufacturers pride themselves on using only the finest tobacco leaves.
In the end, whether you’re a cigar enthusiast or a curious beginner, little cigars should not be overlooked. They offer a unique smoking experience, versatility, and affordability that make them an excellent addition to any cigar collection. So next time you’re looking for a quick and satisfying smoke, don’t underestimate the mighty little cigar. Trust me; your taste buds and your wallet will thank you.