buy little cigars online

buy little cigars online

Growing up in a household where my parents were avid cigar smokers, I was introduced to cigars at an early age. However, as I got older, I became more curious about the smaller versions of cigars – little cigars. These tiny yet mighty smokes have become increasingly popular in recent years and have developed their own unique culture among cigar enthusiasts. In this article, I will take you on a journey through the wonderful world of little cigars.

First things first, what exactly are little cigars? Similar to their larger counterparts, little cigars are also made of tobacco leaves and come in a variety of flavors and strengths. However, they are much smaller and thinner in size, making them a more convenient option for smokers who don’t have the time or desire to smoke a full-sized cigar. They also tend to have a filter, making them easier on the lungs and less harsh on the throat.

One of the biggest appeals of little cigars is the wide range of flavors available. From classic tobacco to more unique options like cherry, vanilla, and chocolate, there is a flavor for every taste. Personally, I enjoy trying different flavors and I must say, the chocolate little cigar I tried recently was a game changer. The subtle hint of cocoa in the smoke made for a delightful and indulgent experience.

Another factor that sets little cigars apart is their price point. Traditional cigars can be quite expensive, making it a luxury item for many. However, little cigars are much more affordable while still providing a similar smoking experience. This makes them a more accessible option for those who want to enjoy a good smoke without breaking the bank.

Despite their small size, little cigars still require proper storage and humidification to maintain their quality and flavor. A humidor or airtight container with a humidifier is essential in keeping the cigars in a controlled environment, preventing them from drying out. This is especially important for flavored little cigars, as they can easily lose their flavor if not stored properly.

Little cigars also have their own unique way of being cut and lit. Unlike traditional cigars, little cigars do not require a cutter as they usually have pre-cut filters. However, you can still choose to clip the end for a smoother draw. When it comes to lighting, it is recommended to use a butane lighter instead of matches to avoid any chemical flavors interfering with the smoke.

One of the best things about little cigars is the simplicity and convenience they offer. You can easily take them with you wherever you go, whether it’s a short trip or a night out with friends. No need for a cigar cutter, ashtray, or long smoking breaks. You can simply light up and enjoy a quick smoke whenever you feel like it.

However, it is important to note that little cigars are not meant to be inhaled like cigarettes. While they may have filters, they still contain more tobacco than cigarettes and the smoke can be harsh on the lungs. It’s important to smoke them like you would a traditional cigar, savoring the flavors and exhaling the smoke.

In recent years, the popularity of little cigars has been on the rise, with more and more people discovering their benefits. They are not just for occasional smokers but also for those who want a more casual and affordable smoking experience. Moreover, they have also gained a following among younger smokers, with their various flavors and easy access making them appealing to a younger demographic.

However, with this rise in popularity comes some concerns about the potential health risks. While little cigars do not go through the same strict regulations as cigarettes, they still contain tobacco and can have similar health effects if smoked excessively. It’s important for smokers to be aware of the potential risks and to always smoke in moderation.

In conclusion, little cigars may be small in size, but they offer a unique and enjoyable smoking experience. From their affordable prices to a variety of flavors, they have made their mark in the world of cigars. Just like traditional cigars, they have their own etiquette and culture, making them a beloved choice among cigar enthusiasts. So the next time you are in the mood for a smoke, why not give little cigars a try? You might just be pleasantly surprised.